Monday, July 21, 2014

TRUFFLE SHUFFLE...I get a run in...wahooo

hello everyone! Another week come and gone. Honestly, the time has been flying these last two transfers. I almost can believe it's been a month since my separation from my girl Sister Jones. 

This week we had exchanges. Oh, and our first district meeting since transfers... 3 weeks later. All because of Meet the President and  Zone Meeting. Anyway, exchanges. I went to Loganville with Sister Arbon and Sister Burgess stayed here with Sister George. It was so much fun because Sister Arbon is really in hiking, and running and being outdoors, so we woke up extra early and went running. So nice. I have no idea how far it was, but I do know that I am not as good at running like I used to be; however, I did a lot more than a mile, so that's good. I am honestly praying that by my last two transfers I have a companion that runs. I have not had one yet, and it is my dream! I bond while working out, end of story. I learned a lot from Sister Arbon, we had the chance to teach an investigator who's from Bosnia. His wife is a member, they've been married for 7 years and he started to show interest in learning. It's really cool because he did all of his Book of Mormon reading and we asked him if he felt like it was true. He said that he didn't really think of that because he was so interested in the story. So then we talked to him about the Holy Ghost and stuff and then he said, "Well, I did think that there's no way this book is fake. I mean, just the way it is written does not seem like a fictional piece of work." That was cool. 

Thursday Sister Burgess didn't feel very good. She got a blessing, and the mission nurse told her to take the day inside so she can get feeling better the next day. that was exciting for me. Hahah.(sarcasm)   I called a ton of potential investigators in the area book and two answered and we set up an appointment. That was really cool actually. I don't love making those phone calls, but it's so cool to see that it can actually work. That's what happened to Bonnie. She was met in October, called in February, taught in June and baptized in July. It all works out in the end. 

Friday we did a lot of tracting to make up for lost time on Thursday-- though really we never caught up :P-- and we met some people. No one too nice, but we saw these two high school boys walking and we were talking to them. They're 15 and just about the most adorable things ever! They're both really involved in their church and they were so excited to talk to us about their church it was so cute. We taught them about the Restoration and they were like, "Yeah! We believe basically in the same thing!" Hahaha, I think they were just excited to talk about how great their church was, they were really nice. 

Saturday we pet five dogs, a racoon, a chicken and held a kitten. We visited this one family and the husband comes out and there is a baby raccoon just chillin' on his shoulder....Alright, totally normal. I couldn't even think of what the raccoon's animal name was. I kept thinking "possum" even though I knew that's not what it was. Turns out, this raccoon was caught on a wall and they rescued it and now it's their pet... I pet it's face a little. I was kind of freaked out. Let's face it, gotta embrace the country right?? Oh man. 

Before dinner Saturday, which was a missionary farewell actually, we went tracting and tracted into the nicest couple. They're Baptist and just let us in. The husband is in the Atlanta Hall of Fame for music. I made him get out his banjo and play for us. We sang "Amazing Grace," "Sweet Hour of Prayer," and, my favorite, "Take a Closer Walk with Thee." I love music. It just inspired me to continue to learn whatever I can when I get home. It's the best thing in the world. They're willing to learn more about what we have to teach so they asked us to call them on Friday and set up an appointment. They were really cool. 

Yesterday, after dinner, we went tracting and I was feeling like we should go to these apartment complexes that I've been to before. The catch was that I couldn't remember exactly how to get there; however, we saw them the night before behind another neighborhood. Typically that would be easy to find right? Well, Georgia has unbelievably windy roads, so it's hard to get somewhere all based on sight. but we decided that we would find these apartments. We go out and Sister Burgess is like, "what's down here?" I said, "No idea." We turn and BAM, there are the apartments. They were two seconds away from where we live. The first door we knock on, this sweet girl answers the door. She didn't have any couches or anything, so she asked if we could come next week. We set up the appointment, she shut the door, we turned around and knocked on the door across from hers. Well, no one answers, we're about to knock one last time and this girl, Amber, opens the door and says, "I have a table and chairs, let's just sit there and you can teach me." She was really shy and didn't like answering questions, but she really wanted to learn. We taught her the Restoration and the Spirit was totally there. We even had the chance to teach her about Temples and she loved it. We asked her if she would be baptized and she asked, "Am I allowed to be baptized again?" Hahaha. It was soooo cool and she's already excited to meet with us on Tuesday. #miracle.

Anyway, it was a good week. Trying to work hard and listen to the Spirit. 

Love y'all,
Sister Smith

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